Table of contents
- Policy Governing All Benefits
- Legislative Authorities
- General Eligibility Rules
- Eligibility Impacts
- Delegated Authority to Make Eligibility Decisions
- Assessing Need and Client Type
- Just Cause for Leaving a Job
- Denying or Terminating Benefits
- Department Responsibilities to Clients
- Client Responsibilities
- Access to Information and Protection of Privacy
- Indexing of Benefits
- Rounding Benefits
- Email Communication
- General Policy
- One-Time Issues
- Client Sub-Type 11-18 Overview
- Client Sub-Type 11 Self Employed
- Client Sub-Type 12 Employed Full-Time
- Client Sub-Type 13 Employed Part-Time
- Client Sub-Type 14 Available for Work/Training
- Client Sub-Type 15 Attending a Program
- Client Sub-Type 17 Temporarily Unavailable for Work/Train: Health Problems
- Client Sub-Type 18 Temporarily Unavailable for Work/Train: Family Responsibilities
- Alberta Adult Health Benefits (AAHB) Sub-Types
- Seniors, Community and Social Services Employees
- Deceased Clients
- Financial Administrators, Public Trustee or Third Party Payments
- High School Incentive (HSI) Benefit
- Income Support Clients as Guardians
- Individuals Experiencing Homelessness
- One Adult Living in Community/Spouse/Partner Living in Facility
- Partners Other Than Spouses
- Persons Involved with Education or Training
- Refugees and Refugee Claimants
- Victims of Human Trafficking
- 16 and 17 Year Olds Not on Parent’s File
- 18- and 19-Year-Old Dependants
- Children Involved with/or Supported by Children and Family Services (CFS), Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) and/or Alberta Aids to Daily Living (AADL)
- Fine Option Program (FOP)
- First Nations People with Registered Status under the Indian Act and Off-Reserve Nations People
- Health and Treatment Facilities
- Persons Involved in Justice System
- Persons Not in Alberta
- Self-Employed Persons and Farmers
- Shelters for those Fleeing Abusive Relationships
- Strikes
- Authority - Intent - Policy
- Additional Shelter
- Child Care
- Child Care Deposit and Registration Fee
- Children’s School Expenses
- Child Supplement Allowance
- Community Living Start-Up Allowance
- Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Devices
- Damage Deposit
- Director Approval
- Earnings Replacement Allowance
- Emergency Allowance
- Emergency Prescription(s)/Drugs
- Employment Training and Transition Supports
- Escaping Abuse Benefit (Household Start-Up)
- Handicap Benefit
- Hearing Aid Benefits – Refer Clients to the Alberta Aids to Daily Living Program
- Home Parenteral Therapy and Enteral Nutrition Programs
- Isolated Community Allowance
- Medical and Surgical Supplies
- Medical Extraordinary Transportation
- Natal and Adoptive Needs Payment
- Personal Benefit – Telephone and Transportation – Leaving Abusive Situation
- Personal Needs Allowance
- Prenatal Needs Payment
- Procedures for Issuing Supplementary Income Support Benefits
- Relocation Allowance
- Special Diets
- Special Transportation and Travel Payment
- Transportation to Day or Employment Programs
- Utility Connection, Deposit, Reconnection
- General Policy
- Available Income
- Rounding Income
- Resources Not Considered Income
- Gifts in Kind
- Third Party Payments
- Loans
- Loan Payments
- Allowable Income Deductions
- Employment and Self-Employment Income
- Room and Board / Rental Income Deductions
- Income Deducted at Source to Repay Other Programs
- Income Exemptions (Full, Partial and Non-Exempt)
- Fully Exempt Income
- Vacation Pay
- Canada Emergency Response Benefit Income
- Earnings in Kind
- Skill Fees
- Awards, Prizes and Cash Gifts
- On-Going Assistance
- Income and the First Benefit Period
- Income at Intake
- Child and Adult Support Income
- Income Support Recipients from Other Provinces and Territories
- Substantiation and Verification
- Assessment and Notification of an Overpayment
- Overpayment Process
- Delegated Authority for Overpayment Decisions
- Criteria for Exempting the Requirement to Repay an Assessed Overpayment
- Total Ineligibility
- Overpayments as a Result of Retroactive Payments
- Voluntary Repayment of an Overpayment
- Recoveries System
- Underpayments
- Credit Balances
- Determination of Debt
- Repayment Agreements
- Recovery of Debt
- Client Registered with Maintenance Enforcement Program (MEP)
- Write Off and Suspension of Debts
- Caveats, Agreements, Orders and Bankruptcy
- Abbreviations Used in this Manual
- Annual Review
- Attestation
- Duplicate Persons
- File Closures
- File Creation and Structure
- File Review
- File Review Checklist Completion Instructions
- Financial Processing System
- Forms
- Function Assignments
- LISA Codes
- Introduction
- Cheque Signing Authorities and Responsibilities
- Guidelines for Pick Up of Cheques in Emergency Situation
- Mails/Holds/Pick-Ups for Cheques Returned to Office
- Manual (Typed or Handwritten) Local District Office Cheques (HD)
- Payment Status Inquiries
- Reimbursement to a Financial Institution or Cheque Cashing Agency
- Returned Cheques
- Stop Payment on Cheques Subsequently Cashed
- Stop Payment on Printed Cheques
- Third-Party Cheques
- Voiding a Cheque
- Direct Deposit
- EMP0018 Purchase Authorization and Invoice
- Health Benefits Card / EMP 1976 Drug Authorization
- Opening a Bank Account without Identification
- Procurement Cards
- Scratch Pad
- Requests for IT Changes and Ad Hoc Data
- Turning 65
- 15 Investigation
- News and Updates (ETW/BFE)
- Tools and Resources – Income Support Program
- Introduction
- Overview Policy
- Service Principles Policy
- Policy Governing all Services
- Legislative Authorities
- General Eligibility Rules
- Eligibility Impacts Policy
- Assessing Needs Policy
- Client Responsibilities Policy
- Department Responsibilities to Clients Policy
- Denying or Terminating Services Policy
- Review of Decision for Services Policy
- Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Policy
- Assessments Policy
- Career Consulting Policy
- Delivery Events Policy
- Digital Career and Employment Information Services Policy
- Employer Services Policy
- Employment Services Connection Policy
- Exposure Courses Policy
- Feepayer (Section 25 Referral) Policy
- Individual Plan Policy
- International Qualifications Assessment Service Policy (SCSS)
- Job Placement Policy
- Resource Centre Policy
- Specialized Assessments
- Workforce Development Policy
- Workshops Policy
- News and Updates (CEIS)
- Intent
- Benefits and Duration of Coverage
- Qualifying Income Levels
- Initial Eligibility
- Enrollment Procedures – Clients Leaving IS and AISH
- Enrollment Procedures – Pregnancy
- Enrollment Procedures – High Drug Needs
- Coordination of Benefits
- Appeal and Health Benefits Exception Committee
- Child Support Services
- Annual Renewal
- Exceptions to Qualifying Income Levels for Renewal
- Termination of Coverage
- News and Updates (HB)